Monday, April 9, 2012

Life in the Moment

I honestly don’t remember where or when I came up with the title for this blog.

I don’t remember if I had this brilliant moment of clarity,(that a few and far between, let me tell ya!), or I just thought it was catchy. Whatever the case may be, I can see why this title fits me perfectly. It’s given me a chance to sit back, enjoy the ride, and get to know the people who make up my life.

I’ve always seen life as a journey. This past weekend I had the chance to meet some people that I never would have met had it not been for my dear friend, Mandy.

Through this amazing evening, I realized that are all searching for the same three things:

*A place to fit in.

*Someone (or something) to love.

*A community that supports and encourages you.

Basically, we are all looking for a Supporting Cast.

A cast to fill out our lives and give a little hope for our weary souls.

For some people your cast is filled out with your immediate family.

For others you may fit in with a small group from church.

Still others find meaning and comfort in the arms of co workers.

Whatever the case may be, we all need people. People who won’t judge us when we get a bad haircut or date a loser. Friends who see us for who we really are and still love us deep down.

Supporting casts may change and grow in the never ending flux of life. My family has always been a source of great encouragement for me. Because of the long distances between us, my cast is not always filled with my brothers or even my parents. Because of this, God has blessed me greatly with people to share my life with.


These are some of the people who make up the moments in my life.

These are the people I can laugh, cry and get extremely real with.

Bonus: They make my life fun! Plus, they give me great blogging content and they put up with incessant picture taking!


My “sisters” understand me with a grace that only comes from knowing Jesus. We’re not perfect and we don’t claim to be. Our Maker loves us perfectly and therefore we can love each other. Together, we help each other live each day fully. We live not for the past, not for the future, but today because that’s all that we are promised.

1 comment:

Katie said...

thank God for putting people in our life to love and support us!! (and to have fun with!)