Thursday, February 23, 2012

Life on Thursday in Random List Form

My motivation has been seriously lacking this week.

The parents descend on The Valley of the Sun in 2 days, which means I’ve been cleaning like a mad woman!

Here’s my life in a nutshell:

*My garage door opener hasn’t been working since ummm, probably around September. I finally got a new battery yesterday and the thing still doesn’t work. So much for that!

*I may still be watching Christmas movies. Sue me.

*I’ve rocked stripes all week long! Wore this number today.

*I miss wearing heels. End of story. I’m too sad to talk about them. 

*After school today, one of my parents told me that I seemed like I was the life of the party. Say what? How does one respond to that? (PS, it’s totally true, I’m awesome!)

*My students were afraid of getting ashes on Wednesday at chapel because they thought it

Linking up with Life of Love!


Sar said...

Oh my gosh, I looooove that dress! So cute and simple. My type of clothing for sure.

thanks for linking up!

Meredith said...

Where is that yellow dress from? I love it!

Cami said...

That dress is GORGEOUS - super cute!! I like the yellow too.

Happy weekend!!! ox