Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Life in September: Day Eleven

Share a memory you don’t want to forget.

I’ve always prided myself on my steel trap memory. When I was little my grandma always counted on me to remember our shopping list, where she put something, and our afterschool schedules. My dad would always say, “Don’t argue with Rachel, you know she’s right.”

A month before leaving Arizona, I wrote a post that fits perfectly for today’s prompt.

Originally posted on May 30, 2013

don't let the challenges along the way frighten you.

I need a good montage maker. Someone to blend haunting songs with beautiful pictures and video timed to perfection. When I say good, I really mean it. You see, the videos are locked in my brain. Seven years of footage, memories, and life that needs to be remembered and recalled. Not so much with the big memories, but the small ones that at the time really didn’t seem to matter that much. Those little through aways that you think you’ll always remember. But you don’t. The times my friends and I laughed until tears streamed down our faces. The time that a parent of a particularly difficult student said thank you. The time I looked at each apartment for the last time. Those are the moments I want saved and engraved for all eternity. Those are the moments that make up a life.

Sure, the big moments matter. They need to be cherished and preserved. Looking back on seven years hasn’t been easy.  I want to remember laughing and bonding with my friends. I want to remember every students and what made them tick. But how did I make people feel? Will they remember me? When I look back on this chapter in my life I’ll carry a perfectly timed montage set to the most tear inducing music known to man, and I’ll smile. Smile because my life will never be the same nor should it be. The last page has been written, the cover closed.

Lord, what do you have next?

1 comment:

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

This post is so appropriate! I sometimes wish I had a video montage to remember those smaller details, especially ones where God very obviously answers a prayer or I just have an epiphany about something that it took me a long time to get.