Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life on Thursday During Spring Break

This week has been fabulous. I’ve spent most of my time doing this.
*Is anyone else bummed that picnik is closing on April 19th? Personally, I’m sucking every last bit of free editing goodness out of it before it goes away forever. I hear pixlr is a close replacement.

*My dog is a nut.
Ignore my chin, Bindi’s afraid of the camera.


*There’s this gorg magnolia tree outside one of the buildings in my complex.


*Finished my dresser project.
Here's a quick shot from facebook.

*Debating if I should go to Maundy Thursday service at church tonight.

Hope you're having a wonderful week!


Sar said...

Your dog is adorable!

Sorry about Picnik. :( I heard a ton of people are really bummed about it! I use Photoshop so I'm not too bummed, but I have a ton of friends who are super sad about it! Here's hoping you like Pixlr!

Katie said...

That tree is amazing! I love spring flowers! :)

Found you through the link-up!

Sarah said...

I am sad Picnik is closing too! Well I only just found it when it was notifying us it was closing haha, but still. :)