Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life in Royalty

In honor of the Royal Wedding, I thought it would be fun to enjoy all things princessy and weddingy. (Not a word, I know. Go with it)

Last night my friend and I watched The Wedding Date (a movie about a wedding in England). And the Prince and Me.

Today I'm watching Princess Diaries Two (Silly, I know, but I love it!)
And to top it all off, I will be reading The Princess by Lori Wick. One of my favorite books. A sweet story about a girl who is handpicked by the royal family to become the wife of their widowed son, who happens to a prince. Such a sweet story. Cheesy, but sweet!

Did you do anything to celebrate? It's been such a fun distraction from the pressures of this world, and I for one have had a blast!

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